Step-By-Step Guide To Find New Paying Customers

Wondering, How to Find New Customers Without Spending Much? Then consider this- 

What if you are selling your Products/Services only in selected countries?

And after a little online research – you now know that the people who want to buy from you, are sitting in another 7 countries – unaware of the existence of your Product/Service.

80% of your potential customers might be in these countries, which you never considered selling into. How much of a Dead Cash do you think you’re sitting on?

This was also exactly the case with one of the Businesses I was working for and asked, “How Do We Find New Customers Without Spending Much at the initial stage?”

But this wasn’t merely a Little Research. 

Now that we knew the names of the countries, where we can sell our product – we tested it. 

Hence started 2 similar Instagram Ads:
One Ad was shown to previously known countries. Another Ad was shown to those in the new 7 Countries we just found out.

The Response for the Advertisement in 7 NEW countries was much higher. We also ended up receiving 21+ orders in that first month. 

We weren’t even trying to Sell. These Ads were just part of the “Awareness Campaign”.

How did we find out about these 7 new countries? Let’s have a look…

Find New Customers Without Spending Much Money:

1. Google Trends

If you didn’t know – Google has all the data about people all around the world. All you have to do is – to know, where to find it.

With Google Trends, we were able to know – which are the countries, where people have been searching for our product category the most.

Google Trends gave us a list of these countries. My client was shocked to know – that she wasn’t even trying to sell to the top 30 countries from that list. TOP 30 – That’s HUGE. No wonder, Profitability was an issue.

But once we knew about the new countries – it was time to gather more information about our customers in those new countries. This takes us to the next step:

2. Audience Insights – By Facebook

This is a very crucial step while looking for an answer to How to Find New Customers Without Spending Much.

When you go to – one of the many features you will have is – Audience Insights.

‘Audience Insights’ lets you access the Data over Facebook – from all around the world. It lets you choose the countries you want the information for.

For my client – with this tool – we were able to gather more information about our new customers. Such as – we came to know, people in the Age Range of 18-25 were our best prospects.

We also came to know – 80% of our potential customers were either Self-Employed or working at the Managerial Level.

Also, 95% of the potential customers were Female – which was obvious, since our product was targeted toward Female Fashion – but it’s always good to double-check. 

[But, Jewelleries are also a product targeted majorly towards Females. Unity Marketing’s research says that 40 percent of all Jewelry purchases are paid for by a Male]

3. Social Media Ads And Observe Response

Google and Facebook – are two of the Biggest Companies in the world. And we just gathered the information about our customers from these two websites.

This information prediction was highly accurate – but in the end – it was just a prediction.

So we had to make sure. The Best way to do so was – Ask the Market. It will tell you the Harsh Truth – Every Single Time.

We started 2 Instagram Ads with a small Budget as low as $5 / Day. One of the Ads was shown to people in the previously targeted countries.

The other Ad, however, was only shown to females – in the Age Range of 18-25 – Who are either Self-Employed or working at the Managerial Level.

The Result: 21+ New Orders, 1500+ New Instagram Followers, and many website visits. And we weren’t even trying to sell. These were just Test Ads [Awareness Campaign] to verify the data gathered from Google and Facebook.

Pretty Impressive, Right? – For Sure. A Bargain.

The Next Step – as soon as Market confirms the information – you can finally raise your budget from $5 to $50 or any other number you want – and can see the Sales Roll in.


There’s no Rule which says, you either have to go with Only Google or only Facebook or another Platform alone.

There’s so much free Valuable data out there – about your Customers. On every Social Media Platform and Website.

If you know how to use it together – you already know more than your Competitors, about your Market and Customers. This will give you a Highly Competitive Advantage in your Business.

Using above mentioned Free Tools, combined with Little Ads on Facebook – Instagram to confirm the results – will do wonders for your Business.

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